1) After Basis
2) heading "Emphasis of Matter"
3) refer in FS note, change in detail
4) opinion is not modified
Circumstances for Emphasis of matter
1. GAAS required
1) inconsistency in application of GAAP
- new accounting principle is GAAP
- change is proper
- disclosueres adequate
- justified
* changes in estimate, reclassification > UM (EM x)
Correction of Error
Change in reporting entity
- cost to consolidation, equity to consolidation
2) Departure from a promulgated accounting principle
new legislation, new type of transaction
3) Special purpose finanacial reporting framework
cash basis, tax basis...
2. Auditor's discretionary basis
4) Substantial doubt has been alleviated
5) Uncertainty
uncertaintly not properly disclosed in Note > UM +EM
6) Other
- major catastrophe
- significant transaction w related parties
- unusally important subsequent events
[AUD] Other matter paragraphs
1. Comparative 1) PY(me) report restated(Q/A>UQ) + OM : Date, Opinion(original), Reason(original), Change, State(changed opinion) 2) PY(predecessor)+CY(me) ⓐ PY reissue *not refer me in the reissued report predecessor should(read/compare 올해 재무제
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[AUD] Qualified Adverse Disclaimer modified reports summary table (0) | 2024.03.15 |
[AUD] Integrate report and Separate report for non issuer / issuer (0) | 2024.03.15 |
[AUD] Federal assistance programs, Compliance auditing (2) | 2024.03.13 |
[AUD] Other matter paragraphs (0) | 2024.03.13 |