Mgt resp
1) identify the entity's government programs and compliance requirements
2) establish related controls
3) evaluate and monitor the entity's compliance
id laws and regulations(direct/material effect FS) + understand possible effects on FS
4) take corrective action on audit findings of the compliance audit
Auditor's resp
sufficient appropriate audit evidence
whether the federal financial assistance has been administered in accordance with applicable laws and regulations
Compliance auditing | Governmental auditing standards | Single audit act | |
Report | 1) Report on the FS (Op) | 1) Report on the FS (Op) +add p: reports on IC and compiance |
1) Report on the FS (Op) |
may | 2) *IC over compliance(non -op) - scope - sufficient appropriate evidence, support opinion - SD and MW reported |
2) IC to FS and major program(non -op) - MW and other matter to specific legislative and regulatory bodies - provide assurance/opinion IC |
no compliance report | 3) Compliance w (non -op) obtain reasonable assurance, noncompliance could have a material effect on the programs audited laws, regul and provisions of contracts or grant agreements - scope - sufficient appropriate evidence, support opinion - Discovered Fraud more than inconsequential violation of provisions of contracts material abuse material pertinent views of the entity's responsible officials concerning the auditor's findings report directly to parties outside mgt not satisfy legal requirements to report mgt fail to take timely and appropriate steps |
3) Compliance of major financial assistance program(op) - scope: compliance w gaas, gas, OMB circular a-133 - opinion: entity complied~each of its major programs |
4) schedule of expenditure - expenditures for all programs - opinion in relation to FS |
5) summary report on audit results relating to FS, IC, compliance |
* IC over compliance: express an opinion on compliance, not for effectiveness of IC over compliance
1. GAAS audit
1) design to provide reasonable assurance of detecting MM that
- result from noncompliance with laws and regulations
- direct & material effect on the FS
2) to id laws having a direct effect on FS
- discuss w mgt, admin, government auditors
- review grant, and loan agreements
- review minutes
- written rep letter about the completeness of laws ided
- perform ST of compliance with laws
> Objectives and results should be summarized in audit working papers
2. Government auditing standards
issued by the Comptroller General of the US, General Accountability Office (GAO)
organization that receives federal/state financial assistance
auditor should design the audit to provide reasonable assurance that material errors and fraud are detected
* Fraud, IC deficiencies > audit committee > counterparty to the contract
Written Representation from mgt
- there are no violations or possible violations of laws or regulations
- mgt resp for understanding and compliance with law & regulations applicable to it
- mgt ided & disclosed in writing to the auditor all Law&Regulation direct & material to FS
- mgt reps for corrective action
- mgt have disclosed all known noncompliance or no noncompliance
Documentation requirement
risk assessment over internal control over compliance
Materiality levels
Responses to control assessments including both tests and test results
Should contain sufficient information so that supplementary oral explanations are not required
Procedures performed to evaluate compliance with laws and regulations that have a direct and material effect on the Determination of financial statement amounts
3. Single audit
state & local gov receiving federal financial assistance(including sub-recipient)
Office of Management of Budget (OMB) through circular a-133
* sub-recipient: nonfederal Entity expands federal assistance received from another entity to carry out federal program
* Recipient: individual from passing through
Objective: efficient&effective use of audit resources,
uniform requirements for audits of federal assistance($750K)
Materiality: set at the program level
Major programs(determined by auditor)
subject to both general and specific compliance requirements
the auditor is required to report on compliance and IC over compliance related to each major program
A program may be deemed to be major if the auditor has not met minimum audit guidelines in terms of the percentage of coverage of the audit
Determination(by auditor)
risk-based approach
- current and prior audit experience
- oversight by federal agencies
- inherent risks
'회계 세무 공부 > AICPA 공부 요약' 카테고리의 다른 글
[AUD] Emphasis of matter (0) | 2024.03.15 |
[AUD] Integrate report and Separate report for non issuer / issuer (0) | 2024.03.15 |
[AUD] Other matter paragraphs (0) | 2024.03.13 |
[AUD] Going concern (0) | 2024.03.10 |
[AUD] Subsequent Event (0) | 2024.03.09 |