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회계 세무 공부/AICPA 공부 요약75

[REG] Corporations Non-taxable transaction on incorporation Sec. 3511. Tax impact on contributing shareholders- No gain or loss is recognized by shareholders who control(80% voting+nonvoting stock) the corporation soley in exchange of stock(property)- Gain is recognized if   1) stock is received for services rendered   2) control requirement not satisfied > realized gain    3) control requirements satisfied, boot .. 2024. 7. 27.
[REG] Above the line deductions(deductions for AGI), Sch 1 10 items 1040 line 10, 10 items from Sch 11. Educator expense (1040, Sche 1,Line11)- up to $300($600 MFJ), unreimbursed qualified expenses is deductible- Qualified expenses: books, supplies, computer equipment and materials 2. Health Savings Account, (1040, Sche 1,Line13) 건강연금?, 추후 병원비를 위해 계좌에 돈을 넣어놓고 투자를 해서 돈을 불리는 형식임- Pretax contribution    EE가 HSA를 택하면 회사에서 납입금액만큼 제하고 차인금액( W-2, box1)을 지급함    W-2, box.. 2024. 7. 19.
[REG] Retirement plans Deductions for contribution to certain retirement plans 1040, sch1 line 16Retirement accounts TaxpayerYear of contributionDistributionPrincipalEarningsPensionEmployeeNon-taxableTaxableTaxableSEPSelf-employedAbove deductionTaxableTaxableIRAEmployee &Self-employedAbove deductionTaxableTaxable 1. SE 자신을 위한 퇴직연금Self-employed Pension(SEP, Keogh) IRA>>>line20?종류: solo 401Ks 2. ER이 EE를 위해 불입하는 퇴직연금Savi.. 2024. 7. 18.
[REG] Professional Responsibilities Authority to PracticeTreasury Department Circular230 is the IRS publication entitled: Regulations governing practice before the Internal Revenue Service- Rules governing the Authority to practice before the IRS- Duties and restrictions relating to practice before IRS- Sanctions for violation of the regulations- Rules applicable to disciplinary hearings Practice- communicating with the IRS for a .. 2024. 7. 12.
[REG] Nexus, state income tax considerations Nexus- typically caused by a company having property, payroll, and sales within a state- Determined by the specific laws of each state- federal laws offer some protection to companies regarding state taxationtrigger - owning/leasing tangible personal or real property- sending employees into the state for training or work- soliciting sales in a state- providing installation, maintenance, etc., to.. 2024. 7. 12.
[REG] Limited Liability Companies LLC is a hybrid. it has some traits of a corporation and some of a partnership.- separate legal entity from its owners(members)- LLC members are not personally liable for the obligations of the business  * Limited partnership, one or more general partner has unlimited personal liability for partnership debts and obligations- Tax purpose: two or more owners > partnership, unless election to C cor.. 2024. 7. 11.
[REG] Partnership Taxable year Required tax year The same tax year of more than 50% of partners Optional tax year 1)Valid business purpose (natural business year) : for the last 3 consecutive years, gross receipts of the last 2months are at least 25% of annual gross receipts 2) Up to 3 months deferral (9/30, 10/31, 11/30 if required tax year is 12/31) Due date - March 15th, Form 1065 - Extension separate form sho.. 2024. 7. 11.
[REG] Corporate Tax payments, NOL, capital loss Estimated payments, Credits- Filing: U.S Corporation income tax return, F1120, 15th fourth month after the close- Extension of six months: F7004 Estimated payments of Corporate Tax- 15th of fourth, sixth, ninth, 12th months individualcorporate IndividualCorpThreshold(other than large corp)1) 90% of current year tax or2) 100% of last year tax TI never >1M, 3 tax years1) 100% of current year tax o.. 2024. 7. 9.
[REG] Depreciation(MACRS, sec179, bonus depre), Amortization Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS)- greater depreciation expense upfront- No Salvage value Personal Property3yrs200% declining Balance M 5yrs200% declining Balance Mautomobiles, light trucks, computers, copiers7yrs200% declining Balance Mfurniture, fixtures, machinery, equipment10yrs200% declining Balance MBoat, transportation equipment15yrs150% declining Balance Mqualified improv.. 2024. 7. 4.