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[REG] Limited Liability Companies LLC is a hybrid. it has some traits of a corporation and some of a partnership.- separate legal entity from its owners(members)- LLC members are not personally liable for the obligations of the business  * Limited partnership, one or more general partner has unlimited personal liability for partnership debts and obligations- Tax purpose: two or more owners > partnership, unless election to C cor.. 2024. 7. 11.
[REG] Partnership Taxable year Required tax year The same tax year of more than 50% of partners Optional tax year 1)Valid business purpose (natural business year) : for the last 3 consecutive years, gross receipts of the last 2months are at least 25% of annual gross receipts 2) Up to 3 months deferral (9/30, 10/31, 11/30 if required tax year is 12/31) Due date - March 15th, Form 1065 - Extension separate form sho.. 2024. 7. 11.
[REG] Corporate Tax payments, NOL, capital loss Estimated payments, Credits- Filing: U.S Corporation income tax return, F1120, 15th fourth month after the close- Extension of six months: F7004 Estimated payments of Corporate Tax- 15th of fourth, sixth, ninth, 12th months individualcorporate IndividualCorpThreshold(other than large corp)1) 90% of current year tax or2) 100% of last year tax TI never >1M, 3 tax years1) 100% of current year tax o.. 2024. 7. 9.
[REG] Depreciation(MACRS, sec179, bonus depre), Amortization Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS)- greater depreciation expense upfront- No Salvage value Personal Property3yrs200% declining Balance M 5yrs200% declining Balance Mautomobiles, light trucks, computers, copiers7yrs200% declining Balance Mfurniture, fixtures, machinery, equipment10yrs200% declining Balance MBoat, transportation equipment15yrs150% declining Balance Mqualified improv.. 2024. 7. 4.
[REG] Sch C (Sole proprietorship) Profit from Business income 분석 Part 1. IncomeGross receipts or sales- Returns and allowances- Cost of goods sold = Gross profit+ federal/ state gasoline tax credit or refund  Part 2. ExpenseAdvertisingcar and truck expensescommissions and feescontractor laborDepletionDepreciation and sec 179 exp(Qualified real property improvement)Employee benefit programsinsurance(other than health)interest+mortgage(paid to banks)legal and p.. 2024. 6. 28.
[REG] Schedule 1. Additional income and adjustment to income Part1. Additional Income1. Taxable refund2. Alimony received3. Business income/loss Sch C4. Other gains or losses 4797(Sales of Business Property)5. Rental real estate, royalties, partnerships, S corporations, trust, Sch E6. Farm income Sch F7. Unemployment compensation8. Other incomea. Net operating lossb. Gamblingc. cancellation of debtd. foreign earned incomeh. jury duty payi. prizes and awar.. 2024. 6. 28.
[REG] Passive activity(sec.469), Sch E ActivityTaxable ActivityNon-passiveSch C/FIncome(Rev>Exp)taxable incomeLoss(Revdeductible lossPassiveSch ETaxable IncomeXnon-deductible lossNon-taxable Activitynon-taxable incomenondeductible expPassive activity (Sch E)1. Definition  1) Not materially participated(managed) in S corp & Partnership's biz operation(work 500h/Y ↑)  2) Any rental activity 2. Loss from passive activity > offset passiv.. 2024. 6. 26.
[REG] Business income and deductions, income tax+SE tax 1. Tax year1) Calender Y: 1/1~12/312) Fiscal Y (11개): 4/1~3/313) 52~53 week tax year: ex)Last Sunday of Aug* Change of tax year: must get IRS approval 2. Tax accounting method1) Accrual method2) Cash method   - Rev: Cash, property is received   - Deduction: Cash, property is paid      예외 1) Prepaid exp -> Amortize over a period              2) Capitalizable expenditure(Equipment, machine, Furnit.. 2024. 6. 24.
[REG] 1040 분석 Line 1. 급여나 직장에서 받게된 benefit         -  Sec132(no additional cost benefit, qualified employee discount)          - Life insurance 기본적으로 nondetectable/non taxable,            * 만일 ER가 EE의 상속자가 받는걸 대신내주면 50K까지는 ER도 공제받을 수 있음         - Incentive stock option  Qualified stock optionNon Qualified stock optionGrant date2 yearsNo income to the employeecompensation income(salary) to EE, deductible to ER.. 2024. 6. 23.