[REG] Above the line deductions(deductions for AGI), Sch 1 10 items
1040 line 10, 10 items from Sch 11. Educator expense (1040, Sche 1,Line11)- up to $300($600 MFJ), unreimbursed qualified expenses is deductible- Qualified expenses: books, supplies, computer equipment and materials 2. Health Savings Account, (1040, Sche 1,Line13) 건강연금?, 추후 병원비를 위해 계좌에 돈을 넣어놓고 투자를 해서 돈을 불리는 형식임- Pretax contribution EE가 HSA를 택하면 회사에서 납입금액만큼 제하고 차인금액( W-2, box1)을 지급함 W-2, box..
2024. 7. 19.