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회계 세무 공부/AICPA 공부 요약

[AUD] Paybles, Long-term Debt, Owners Equity

by manii 2024. 3. 16.



Confirmation, Completeness

sometimes omitted(not GAAP)

sent to major suppliers, disputed accounts

sample from a list of vendors, confirm zero balance


Unrecorded liabilities, Completeness

vendor's invoices and statement(YE, after YE)

subsequent cash disbursement

subsequent unpaid bills test

unopened mail for a reasonable period of time after YE


Long-term Debt


Average Loan Balance + Interest Expense

 analytical procedure: compare interest expense with bond payable


- Bank confirmation: unrecorded debt, completeness

- Bond premium/discount: recalculate

- Bond trust indenture: client not violate any covenants

- Debt agreement: pledged asset and event causing default(restriction by borrow), presentation and disclosure


Owner's equity

Control over capital stock transaction(test of details of transaction)

- Inspecting stock certificate book

  stubs: remain after a certificate has been removed, outstanding shares, par value

- Confirmation from a stock registrar and a stock transfer agent

  The number of shares authorized, issued, and outstanding 

stock registrar stock transfer agent
verify authorization of BOD record + stock ownership



Income Statement
BS accounts IS accounts    
Accounts Receivable Sales Analytical procedure unusual big Sales at YE> cut off
Note receivable Interest Recalculate  
Investments interest, dividends, gain on Sales Recalculate  
PPE Rent, gain on Sales Recalculate  
Accounts Receivable uncollectible accounts(bad debt exp) Analytical procedure  
Inventories Purchases, CGS, payroll(direct labor) Analytical procedure  
PPE Depreciaton,
repairs and maintenance
Analytical procedure
Accrued liabilities commissions, fees, warranty exp Analytical procedure  

* Analytical procedure: unusual fluctuation


Statement of cash flows

reconciling the amount in the BS, IS



