[AUD] Other matter paragraphs
1. Comparative
1) PY(me) report restated(Q/A>UQ)
+ OM : Date, Opinion(original), Reason(original), Change, State(changed opinion)
2) PY(predecessor)+CY(me)
ⓐ PY reissue *not refer me in the reissued report
predecessor should(read/compare 올해 재무제표의 전기금액+rep letter f me & client)
3) PY unaudited
SEC document: unaudited, not refer
other document: unaudited, reissue/+OM
2. RSI(Issuer must)
Limited procedure
inquire(a,b,c), compare info, written representation(a,b,c)
1) +OM
limited procedure
RSI omitted
Some are missing, and some presented
SI is not inconsistent with FS
info departs from the guideline
auditor unable to perform prescribed procedures
disclaimer of opinion
2) Express an op on RSI
" In our op, the info is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the FS as a whole"
EX) Pension info
3. Other info
read other info, info consistent with FS
> Correct do nothing
> incorrect > tell mgt to fix > not correct
ⓐ +OM
ⓑ withhold the report / withdraw
not identified uncorrected MM, uncorrected MM exists
4. By-product
to evaluate and report on supplementary info fairly stated, in all material responses, in relation to the FS as a whole
1) supplementary info
derived f and related directly to FS
FS audited (no A or D)
+ FS
ⓐ Supplementary info + separate report
ⓑ +OM
MM > Q/A
scope limi > D
2) single FS, specific elements, accounts, or items of FS (FS의 일부만)
BS, AR, Asset only > Audit ok
NI, Equity > by product only(전체를 audit 했어야함)
3) Summary FS(재무제표의 형태 유지)
by product of audit, derived from complete audited FS
independent auditor's report on summary FS
are derived from audited FS of ~we expressed UM on FS
~consistent, in all material respects,~
Summary FS
not contain all disclosures. reading not substitute for reading the audited FS and auditor's report thereon
Mgt resp
Auditor resp
4) Compliance w contractual agreements or regulations in connection w audited FS
audit of FS required(UM/Q)
negative assurance(go ask lawyer for more info)
ⓐ + separate report
ⓑ +OM
refer to specific covenants of the contractual agreements
refer FS audit
restricts distribution
5. Special purpose use restriction
Cash / Tax | Contractual / Regulatory | Regulatory(general use) | |
Opinion | opinion on special purpose | opinion on special purpose | opinion on special purpose opinion on GAAP(dual op) |
purpose for special-purpose FS are prepared | NO(목적명확,다시언급필요X) | YES | YES |
EM | YES | YES | NO |
OM(use restriction) | NO | YES | NO |
cash/ tax purpose audit
EM: refer to the FS note(tax purpose) + indicate non-GAAP
[AUD] Going concern + Emphasis of matter
Required 1) After Basis 2) heading "Emphasis of Matter" 3) refer in FS 4) opinion is not modified - Going concern Circumstances for Emphasis of matter 1. GAAS required 1) inconsistency in application of GAAP GAAP to GAAP > UM +EM - new accounting principle