manii 2024. 11. 10. 11:31

1. Taxation of property transaction

Like kind exchange sec1031

realproperty not for personal use, inventory stock bond, foreign real property

within 180 days


Involuntary conversion sec 1033

gain is not recognized if the same class of property is purchased within the replacement period

personal property within 2yrs, real property within 3yrs


losses from a related party

- 2촌이내, more than 50% SH

- losses not deductible


2. Tax Compliance and Planning for Individuals

Incentive stock option

Grant date, Exercise date, Sale date LTCG


Non-qualified stock option

Grant date, Exercise date(fmv-op, deduction by an ER), Sale date(sp-fmv)


Imputed interest

- gift loans bet two individuals

10K less: no imputed int,

10K-100K: limited to borrower's net investment income

100K over: applicable federal rate(AFR)


foreign earned income received for services performed in a foreign country

income exclusion 112K foreign earned income + 15.680 of housing costs excluded


Foreign tax credit

excess foreign taxes over limit: CB 1yr + CO 10 yrs



- taxpayer must have high deductible health plan with a deductible of at least 1400 for an individual and 2800 for a family

- contribute to HSA through pre-tax payroll deduction program

- distributions qualified medical expenses for taxpayer, spouse, dependents

- non qualified exp > 20% penalty

- can be used for non medical after age 65



- set aside from paycheck for the whole plan year to spend on IRS-qualified healthcare expenses

- reimbused for the costs

- can be contributed through payroll deduction


Losses incurred in a trade or biz in a production of income

- deduction in limited to the amount "at risk"

  1) Cash+adjusted basis of property contributed

  2) personally liable

  3) Recourse liability


Losses from passive activities

not materially participated activity(s corp inc not materially participated) + rental activity + limited partnership int

 - offset against income from passive activities only

- CF indefinitely

- deduct when passive activity is disposed


Active rental activity

25,000 - 50% ( X - 100,000)

100K이하는 25K 공제

100K 초과 150K이하는 위의 공식에 근거하여 

150 초과는 공제불가


regular taxable income 
 1) tax exempt int on private activity bonds 
 2) 200-150 on personal property 
 3) exercise of inventive stock option 
 4) SD, state and local tax 10K 
 - exemption amount 
 26% on first 206, 28% on over 206


Estimated tax payments

- due by 4,6,9,1/15 

- 90% of current, 100% of prior(if over 150>110%)

- no underpaid estimated tax penalty on tax due of less than 1K


Retirement plans

Traditional 401K


- ER matching contributions

- lesser of 66K or 100% of EE's annual compensation, max contribution 22.5K


1) taxed as ordinary inc

2) 10% penalty on early distribution(59,1/2)

3) lower tax rate at retirement

4) min distribution 73


Roth 401K

- contribution using after-tax dollar only

- non taxable distribution

- Expected higher marginal tax rate at reitrement

- min distribution not required


Defined benefit plan

- taxed as ordinary income

- 10% penalty on early distribution

- min distributions 73




Tax planning for post-secondary education

1) US savings bond(series EE)

- int excluded

- taxpayer, spouse, dependents

- redemption by the original bond holder

- 20yrs, 기명식채권


2) Qualified tuition program( sec 529 )

- contribution up to annual gift tax exclusion(16K per donee)

- contribution not tax deductible, int not taxable


3) Coverdell education savings account (ESA)

- 2K per child, education savings account, under 18

- contributions not tax-deductible, int non taxable


4) Education credits

American Opportunity Tax Credit (AOTC)

- 2.5K per student

- undergraduate and graduate courses


Life time learning credit

- 2K per taxpayer

- Qualified tuition and expenses for unlimited number of years




1) Terms life insurance: death > beneficiary

2) Whole life insurance: death > beneficiary, savings 본인이 환급받을 수 있음

3) Long term care insurance

 - nursing, home-health care daycare individuals age 65

 - deductible in Schedule A as a medical exp

4) Umbrella insurance policy( for other people not for the taxpayer)



Legal ownership of assets and beneficiary designations

Payable on death > bank account

transfer on death > stock, bond


Form of co-ownership

Tenancy by the entirety > spouse

Joint tenancy with rights of survivorship > directly to other owner

Tenancy in common > Estate

C corporation


Sec 351

property + transferors control 80% corporation

> no gain or loss

> gain recognized

1) not 80%: realized gain > recognize gain

2) Boot received: min(boot, gain realized)

3) liability relieved > basis: liability relieved-basis


~2017: cb2, co 20

2018, 2019, 2020: cb 5, co indefinite

2021~: no cb, co indefinite



capital loss of C corp

- capital losses offset capital gains only

- limitation, taxable income

- CB 3yrs, CO 5yrs


Earnings and Profits

+ Beg

+ Current

+ Gain on appreciation of property distribution

- Distribution

+ Liability assumed by SH 



- treated as sale or exchange of stock(CG.CL)

- deduct only int exp on loans for redemption


section 1244, small business corporation stock

- ordinary loss up to 100K for MFJ(50K for single)

- small corp with captial of 1M or less

- sale by original SH


Controlle group

- Scorp parent가능, sub는 안되는듯. Taxation of property transaction


Like kind exchange sec1031


realproperty not for personal use, inventory stock bond, foreign real property


within 180 days




Involuntary conversion sec 1033


gain is not recognized if the same class of property is purchased within the replacement period


personal property within 2yrs, real property within 3yrs




losses from a related party


- 2촌이내, more than 50% SH


- losses not deductible




2. Tax Compliance and Planning for Individuals


Incentive stock option


Grant date, Exercise date, Sale date LTCG




Non-qualified stock option


Grant date, Exercise date(fmv-op, deduction by an ER), Sale date(sp-fmv)




Imputed interest


- gift loans bet two individuals


10K less: no imputed int,


10K-100K: limited to borrower's net investment income


100K over: applicable federal rate(AFR)




foreign earned income received for services performed in a foreign country


income exclusion 112K foreign earned income + 15.680 of housing costs excluded




Foreign tax credit


excess foreign taxes over limit: CB 1yr + CO 10 yrs






- taxpayer must have high deductible health plan with a deductible of at least 1400 for an individual and 2800 for a family


- contribute to HSA through pre-tax payroll deduction program


- distributions qualified medical expenses for taxpayer, spouse, dependents


- non qualified exp > 20% penalty


- can be used for non medical after age 65






- set aside from paycheck for the whole plan year to spend on IRS-qualified healthcare expenses


- reimbused for the costs


- can be contributed through payroll deduction




Losses incurred in a trade or biz in a production of income


- deduction in limited to the amount "at risk"


  1) Cash+adjusted basis of property contributed


  2) personally liable


  3) Recourse liability




Losses from passive activities


not materially participated activity(s corp inc not materially participated) + rental activity + limited partnership int


 - offset against income from passive activities only


- CF indefinitely


- deduct when passive activity is disposed




Active rental activity


25,000 - 50% ( X - 100,000)


100K이하는 25K 공제


100K 초과 150K이하는 위의 공식에 근거하여 


150 초과는 공제불가




regular taxable income 

 1) tax exempt int on private activity bonds 

 2) 200-150 on personal property 

 3) exercise of inventive stock option 

 4) SD, state and local tax 10K 

 - exemption amount 

 26% on first 206, 28% on over 206




Estimated tax payments


- due by 4,6,9,1/15 


- 90% of current, 100% of prior(if over 150>110%)


- no underpaid estimated tax penalty on tax due of less than 1K




Retirement plans


Traditional 401K




- ER matching contributions


- lesser of 66K or 100% of EE's annual compensation, max contribution 22.5K




1) taxed as ordinary inc


2) 10% penalty on early distribution(59,1/2)


3) lower tax rate at retirement


4) min distribution 73




Roth 401K


- contribution using after-tax dollar only


- non taxable distribution


- Expected higher marginal tax rate at reitrement


- min distribution not required




Defined benefit plan


- taxed as ordinary income


- 10% penalty on early distribution


- min distributions 73








Tax planning for post-secondary education


1) US savings bond(series EE)


- int excluded


- taxpayer, spouse, dependents


- redemption by the original bond holder


- 20yrs, 기명식채권




2) Qualified tuition program( sec 529 )


- contribution up to annual gift tax exclusion(16K per donee)


- contribution not tax deductible, int not taxable




3) Coverdell education savings account (ESA)


- 2K per child, education savings account, under 18


- contributions not tax-deductible, int non taxable




4) Education credits


American Opportunity Tax Credit (AOTC)


- 2.5K per student


- undergraduate and graduate courses




Life time learning credit


- 2K per taxpayer


- Qualified tuition and expenses for unlimited number of years








1) Terms life insurance: death > beneficiary


2) Whole life insurance: death > beneficiary, savings 본인이 환급받을 수 있음


3) Long term care insurance


 - nursing, home-health care daycare individuals age 65


 - deductible in Schedule A as a medical exp


4) Umbrella insurance policy( for other people not for the taxpayer)






Legal ownership of assets and beneficiary designations


Payable on death > bank account


transfer on death > stock, bond




Form of co-ownership


Tenancy by the entirety > spouse


Joint tenancy with rights of survivorship > directly to other owner


Tenancy in common > Estate


C corporation




Sec 351


property + transferors control 80% corporation


> no gain or loss


> gain recognized


1) not 80%: realized gain > recognize gain


2) Boot received: min(boot, gain realized)


3) liability relieved > basis: liability relieved-basis




~2017: cb2, co 20


2018, 2019, 2020: cb 5, co indefinite


2021~: no cb, co indefinite






capital loss of C corp


- capital losses offset capital gains only


- limitation, taxable income


- CB 3yrs, CO 5yrs




Earnings and Profits


+ Beg


+ Current


+ Gain on appreciation of property distribution


- Distribution


+ Liability assumed by SH 





- treated as sale or exchange of stock(CG.CL)

- deduct only int exp on loans for redemption



section 1244, small business corporation stock

- ordinary loss up to 100K for MFJ(50K for single)

- small corp with captial of 1M or less

- sale by original SH




Controlle group

- Scorp parent가능, sub는 안되는듯



Source of income

US source income

- Gain from sale of personal property sold by US resident


Foreign source income

Gain from sale of personal property sold by non-resident


fixed and determinable annual or periodical income

- passive, non-business activities > 30% withholding tax



Foreign subsidiary

- legal entity in foreign country

- cannot file a consolidated US tax return w us parent company

- income is not taxed until profits are repatriated back to the US in the form of dividends


International tax provisions

1) Controlled Foreign Corporation

- 10%이상인 SH가 50% 이상의 외국회사 주식을 가지고 있는 경우

- US SH are taxed on subpart F income of CFC and GILTI(global intangible low-taxed income)

- Subpart F income: PHCI(충분히 배당하지 않은경우 내는 패널티 성격의 세금), Sales/ Service income

US SH 가 해외A회사에게 해외 B나라에 서비스를 하게하는경우

S corporation


Separately stated items

- not income from rental activity

- int, dividend, royalty income

- capital gains/losses

- sec 1231 gains

- charitable contribution

- sec 179 deductions 1080K

- int exp on investment indebtness

- foreign income taxes

- tax-exempt inc

- non-deductible exp



S corp distributions reduce in the following order

1) Accumulated adjustments account(AAA)

- non taxable distribution to the extent of AAA

2) Earnings and profits during C corp

- dividend income to SH

3) Other adjustments account(OAA)

- non taxable distribution to SH

4) any excess distribution over AAA, E&P, OAA



Fringe benefits paid to more than 2% SH-EE

- Shareholder-EE reports as compensation income

- Deductible expense by an S corporation


Built in gains tax

-  excess of FMV of asset over its AB on the first day of an S corp

- 5yr period

- 21%

- big tax paid reduces the income passed through to the S corp SH

