manii 2024. 8. 6. 12:05

Duty to act with reasonable care: client + any person or limited foreseeable class of  persons who the CPA knows will be relying on the CPA's work


1. Corp > CPA

   - Breach of contract

   - Torts: Negligence < Gross negligence ≓ constructive fraud < reckless disregards ≓ fraud


2. 3rd party

- Torts

Foreseen(known party) 기존채권자
gross negligence
constructive fraud
Foreseeable party(미래채권자)
Gross negligence
contractive fraud

Legal liabilities


Contract principles

prepare the tax return diligently and competently


Tort principles

professional has a duty to exercise the level of skill

Unintentional tort
- ordinary negligence
- Lacks reasonable care(recklessly misstates material facts)
- compensatory damages(reasonable foreseeable) only
Intentional torts(fraud)
- constructive fraud, gross negligence
- compensatory damages + punitive damages
- Elements

1) Duty( duty of care)
2) Breach of duty ( lack of due care)
3) Causation = proximate cause = foreseeable cause
4) Damage = injury
1) Misrepresentation of material fact
2) Actual and justifiable reliance by the plaintiff
3) intent to induce plaintiff's reliance
4) Damages
5) Scienter, acted in bad faith
> Due diligence(document everything in the work papers)
> Element하나라도 증명필패
> Audit의 경우 GAAS에 따라 진행(Good faith)
> 너도 잘못이 있음, contributory/comparative negligence
> 위험감수 assumption of risk
> lack of scienter, acted in good faith


Level of Fault

1. reasonable care, due care  no negligence = not liable no attempt Civil
2. Lack of reasonable care  Gross negligence no attempt Civil
3. Lack of even slight care Gross negligence, constructive fraud no attempt Civil
4. Actual Fraud Fraud Actual intent to deceive Civil
5. Criminal fraud Fraud Actual intent to deceive Criminal

