Primary authoritative sources
- provisions of the Internal Revenue Code, statutory provisions
- Treasury Regulations
- IRS rulings( revenue rulings, revenue procedures, explanations of such treaties)
- Court cases
Appeals process
1) Agreement not reached at revenue agent level > copy of revenue agent's report + 30day letter
> Request an administrative appeal with an appeal officer(appeals conference)
2) Office of Appeals,
- goal is to resolve disputes without litigation
- agreement not reached > 90 day letter
* US District court 배심원 하나
* US supreme court 배심원 없음, 판사만 9명
* if taxpayer loses a case in the small cases division of the US tax court, after 90days letter > not appealable
Civil case - Burden of proof on the plaintiff, the preponderance of the evidence
Criminal case- Burden of proof on the IRS, beyond reasonable doubt