[REG] Bankruptcy
- only a person(individual, partnership, corporation) who resides or has a place of business in the United States is eligible to be a debtor under the Bankruptcy code
- not all debts of the debtor are discharged, exceptions to discharge(WAFTED)
Chapter 7 Liquidation, trustee required
- Process
1)Trustee Appointed
2) collects the debtor's assets
3) liquidates them
4) uses the proceeds to pay off creditors to the extent possible
Individual, debts are discharged with certain exceptions * certain debts will never go away |
Entity, it is dissolved |
- if an individual filing for Chap 7 liquidation + Monthly income is greater than the state median income
> state, any interested creditor, court may file a motion to dismiss the case(abusing the bankruptcy system)
* not file for bankruptcy under Chapter 7
Railroads, insurance or small biz investment co, Banks, Saving institutions
* prevent debtors from receiving chapter7 discharge
- Creditors raise objections against discharge
- non-dischargeable debts(WAFTED)
1) Willful and malicious injury
2) Alimony
3) Fraud
4) Taxes
5) Educational loans
6) Debts undisclosed in bankruptcy petition
- the debtor is not an individual
- fraudulent transfer
- unjustifiably failed to keep books and records
- prior discharge within 8yrs
Chapter 11 Reorganization, No liquidation, Trustee not required
- Debtor remains in possess of his assets and a plan of reorganization is adopted
Creditors are paid to the extent possible and the business continues
* not file for reorganizations
Broker, insurance or small biz investment co, Banks, Savings institutions
Chapter 13 adjustment of debts of individuals with regular income, trustee required
- debtor repays all or a portion of his debts over a 3yrs~5yrs
- trustee required
Chapter 15 Ancillary and Cross-Border Cases
US adoption of the model law on Cross-Border insolvency promulgated by the United Nations
Chapter 7 Liquidation
1. Bankruptcy petition filed(voluntary/ involuntary)
voluntary: individual need not be insolvent to file
- creditors must show that the debtor is not paying debts as they become due(in default),
regardless of the debtor's ability to pay
- unsecured creditors of fewer than 12, at least $18,600 in aggregate
more than 12, more than three owe at least $18,600 in aggregate
2. Automatic Stay
- Stops almost all collection efforts
- does not apply to criminal prosecutions, paternity suits, spousal or child support obligations
3. Debtor must file
- creditors and their addresses
- schedule of assets and liabilities(FMV or liquidation value)
- schedule of current income and expenditures
- statement of the debtor's financial affairs
- copes of pay stubs received within 60 days before filings
- copies of federal tax returns from the last tax year. If the debtor has not paid taxes for the previous tax year must pay
> individual debtor in voluntary cha7, file above items within 45 days, or the case is automatically dismissed on 46th days
4. Sec 341 meeting: creditor's meeting
- all interested parties, creditors, bankruptcy trustees, debtor must be given notice of the meeting
- within 20 to 40 days
property Included
- all of the debtor's real and personal property at the time of filing
+ income generated from estate property received within 180days after the filing of the petition for relief
Rent, dividends, Interest income
+ Property receives from divorce
+ Inheritance
+ Insurance within 180days after the filing of the petition
- hypothetical lien creditor as of filing date
- set aside fraudulent transfers made within two years of the filing date
- Trustee can disaffirm preferences: preferential payment, made within 90 days prior to the filing
> payment for a Antecedent(preexisting) debt = preference payment
* Contemporaneous exchange for new value is not a preference(영업을할수있게해줘야지)
> insolvent during the 90 days
* transfer made to repay a debt that the debtor incurred in the ordinary course of biz is not a voidable preference
unsecured creditors must file a proof of claim'
SHs must file a proof of interest with the bankruptcy court
perfected security interest passes through and survives bankruptcy even if the creditor does not file a proof of claim
admin expense > perfected secured interest > domestic support(alimony, child support) > Wage > tax & penalty > general creditor
Reorganization chapter 11(trustee not required)
1) filing petition(vol +invol) + sch of asset liability
2) Creditor's Committees( stakeholder: creditor, SH), trustee generally not appointed
- 7 largest holders of the equity securities
- consult with the debtor, investigate the debtor's finances, participate in preparing the reorganization plan
3) Debtor, reorganization plan, first 120 days after the order for relief is effective
- classify all claims
- describe the treatment to be accorded each impaired class
- treat each claimant within a particular class identically
- Establish ways to implement the plan
4) Committee's review (Acceptance of the plan by creditors)
- vote on the plan
- accepted by equity security holders having 2/3 in amount, 1/2 in number of the allowed claims
5) Court's Approval
- a plan can be confirmed by the court even if all impaired classes do not accept it
(at least one impaired class has accepted)
- confirmation also terminates the automatic stay