manii 2024. 7. 18. 21:36

Deductions for contribution to certain retirement plans 1040, sch1 line 16

Retirement accounts

  Taxpayer Year of contribution Distribution
Principal Earnings
Pension Employee Non-taxable Taxable Taxable
SEP Self-employed Above deduction Taxable Taxable
IRA Employee &
Above deduction Taxable Taxable


1. SE 자신을 위한 퇴직연금

Self-employed Pension(SEP, Keogh)


종류: solo 401Ks


2. ER이 EE를 위해 불입하는 퇴직연금

Saving incentive match plans for EEs(SIMPLE)






3. SE retirement plan

fully taxable as ordinary income, early late distribution penalties as other retirement plans


1. Self-employed Pension (SEP, Keogh) (1040, Sche 1, Line16)

- Maximum contribution and deduction, lessor of $66K or (Self-employed income-SE tax) 20%

- contributions made including extension can still be deductible for the year


2. Qualified Pension(retirement plan) and profit sharing plan

- The qualified retirement plan is an employer-sponsored plan that meets IRS US labor department requirements

- ER deductible / EEs are taxed when withdrawing from the pension plan at retirement(contribution + earnings)

- Traditional pensions(DB), 401(k)(DC), profit-sharing plans

- Return of capital portion(EE contributed) are not taxable

Employees cost(EE contribution) / Expected total pension payments x payments received

- If EE dies before recovery of EE's cost, deduct in miscellaneous deduction on Sch A in the final tax return

- rolling distribution within 60 days into other Qualified plan or IRA > defer tax



3. 401K

- Maximum contribution and deduction, lessor of $66K or (Self-employed income-SE tax) 20%




4. Individual Retirement Arrangement(IRA) (1040, Sche 1,Line20)

  Traditional IRA Nondeductible Traditional IRA Roth IRA
Contribution 6.5K annual contribution, +1K for age 50 and older / earned income
Deductibility $ 6K Non-deductible Non-deductible
Distribution Principal: taxable
Earnigs: Taxable
Principal: Non-taxable
Earnigs: Taxable
(if qualified distribution, not taxable)
Phase-out for MFJ NP spouses 105K - 125K
198K - 208K
  66K - 76K 
190K - 220K
  95K - 110K


Traditional IRA

- Earnings on traditional IRA, taxable in the year of receipt as ordinary income

- taxpayer can avoid current taxation by rolling the distribution into another IRA

- Early withdrawal, before 59 1/2 > 10% penalty

  Exception 1) Qualified higher education expenses 2) Firstime homebuyer, $10K cap

                   3) Medical exp 4) Childbirth or adoption

- minimum distributions required, April 1 of age 73


- Limitation

   The amount of contribution & deduction limited to 

Participation in ER-sponsored Retirement plans Deduction for spouse, not active
MFJ            $116K-136K
Not MFJ     $73K-83K
MFJ            $218K-228K(couple's AGI)
MFS           $0K-10K(each spouse)


- Contribution due



Roth IRA

- contribution not deductible, distribution not taxable(qualified)

- Allowable contribution

Filling status Unmarried MFJ MFS
Phase out $138K - $153K $218K - $228K $0K - $10K


