[REG] Nexus, state income tax considerations
- typically caused by a company having property, payroll, and sales within a state
- Determined by the specific laws of each state
- federal laws offer some protection to companies regarding state taxation
- owning/leasing tangible personal or real property
- sending employees into the state for training or work
- soliciting sales in a state
- providing installation, maintenance, etc., to customers within a state(even through a third party)
- accepting or rejecting sales orders within the state or accepting returns
* Federal limitations on a state's rights to impose income tax do not apply to
- individual domiciled in, residents of the state
- corporations are incorporated under the laws of that state
- companies soliciting sales of services or other products that do not qualify as tangible personal property
- sales and use tax
- franchise tax
- gross receipts tax
State allocation and apportionment of federal taxable income
nexus established > how much of its total federal income/loss should be taxable by each state
Business income > apportion to nexus states
* nonbusiness income allocate to commercial domicile(residence) state