[REG]Tax-exempt organization
1. 'C' corporation
추후에 Exemption organization 신청함, can be revoked
2. 2 Test
1) Organization test 501(c): educational org, religious org, charitable org, social club, private foundation
2) Operational test: Not for profit
3. F990
F990: info return exception for small organizations(less than 50K) / religious
- must disclose the id of all substantial contributors, in addition to the amount of contributions received
+ F990-PF
+ F990-T for UBI > $1K
*Related Biz Income >>no tax on RBI
- member's own benefit ex) university bookstore
- member's convenience
+ investment inc(bond, int)
section 501(c) organization
- One of the most common tax-exempt organization
- contributions made to section 501 > deductible
* most tax-exempt organization contributions not deductible
Private Foundations | Public Charities |
Requirements 1) distribute income each year as required under the tax law 2) not engage in self-dealing or retain any excess biz holding - typically receive funding from a single major source - primary activity > making grants to other charitable org& individuals |
Required at least 1/3 of org's support must come from 1) government units and 2) general public - not private foundations - churches, schools, colleges, hospitals, qualified medical research org - supported with limited investment and unrelated biz income |
Other section 501(c) org
- Organization tax-exempt, contribution not deductible
- federal credit unions, title-holding corporations, civic leagues and social welfare org, labor, agricultural, and horticultural org, biz leagues, veteran's org, and Political org(sec 527)