[REG] Sch C (Sole proprietorship) Profit from Business income 분석
Part 1. Income
Gross receipts or sales - Returns and allowances - Cost of goods sold = Gross profit + federal/ state gasoline tax credit or refund |
Part 2. Expense
Advertising car and truck expenses commissions and fees contractor labor Depletion Depreciation and sec 179 exp(Qualified real property improvement) Employee benefit programs insurance(other than health) interest+mortgage(paid to banks) legal and professional service office expense pension and profit-sharing plans rent or lease(vehicles, machinery, equipment+business property) Repairs and maintenance supplies taxes and licenses travel and meals utilities wages other expenses |
* Salary from Self-employed corp, not deductible
* health insurance for self-employment, not deductible on sch C, AGI
* legal referral fees, deductible
* State income taxes for the biz, not deductible on sch C, an itemized deduction
tentative profit: part1-part2
(-) Expenses for business use of your home (F8829)
= Net profit
Profit > Sh 1, line 3 / Sh SE, line 2 /
Loss > F1040, line3
Part 3. Cost of goods Sold / Part 4. Information on your vehicle / Part 5. Other Expenses
세부내용 적는란
Self-Employment Tax
Sch C
1. Minister, member of religious order + farm profit + social security
2. Net profit or loss from sch C + sch K-1
3. 1+2
4. 3 * 92.35%
5. Church employee income * 92.35%
6. 4+5
7. Max amount of combined wages and self-employment earnings subject to social security tax or the 6.2% portion of the 7. 65% railroad retirement tax for 2023
8. Total social security wages and tips and railroad retirement compensation
9. 7-8
10. multiply the smaller of line 6 or line 9 by 12.4%
11. multiply line 6 by 2.9%
12. Self-employment tax, line 10 + 11, sch2 line4 or F1040-SS part1 lne3
13. Deduction for one-half of SE tax
multiply line 12 by 50%, enter here and on sch 1, F1040