manii 2024. 6. 23. 21:06

Line 1. 급여나 직장에서 받게된 benefit

         -  Sec132(no additional cost benefit, qualified employee discount) 

         - Life insurance 기본적으로 nondetectable/non taxable,

            * 만일 ER가 EE의 상속자가 받는걸 대신내주면 50K까지는 ER도 공제받을 수 있음

         - Incentive stock option

    Qualified stock option Non Qualified stock option
Grant date 2 years No income to the employee compensation income(salary) to EE, deductible to ER
Exercise date 1 year No income to the employee compensation income(salary) to EE, deductible to ER
Sales date   LTCG for 'SP-option price' CG for  'SP-option price'

* Under a nonaccountable plan: expenses are not reported to the employer, any amounts received by an employee from the employer must be reported as part of wages on the employee's W-2 for the year (and subject to income tax withholding requirements). The gross amount received is reported as income.


Line 2. Interest- 금융소득

         * state/municipal bond/Series EE savings bond 의 int 비과세

         *  Bond premium:  offset against interest income

         *  State tax refund에 따라오는 interest

Series EE savings bond
- 대상: 본인, 배우자, 자녀(dependent)
- 본인/배우자 명의로 개설
- 24살 이상만 개설가능

Line 3. Dividend - 금융소득

        * tax rate 15%

        * from life insurance policy: no tax until cumulative premiums paid

        * stock dividend: cs to cs no tax, others taxable

Line 4. IRA distribution- 연금소득

        premature distribution of traditional IRA:

         first-time homebuyer, insurance, medical expenses, disability, education, adoption, disaster, terminal illness or death, emergency expenses(1K per year), Domestic abuse victims

Line 5. Pension and annuities - 연금소득

Line 6. Social Security benefits - 사회보장제도에서 주는 지원금(Retirement, disability, medicare)

Line 7. Capital gain- 이건 엄밀하게 보면 차익으로 인한 소득임으로 양도소득세임

Line 8. Sh1 기타다른 소득들:

                   state refund: 1) 작년 itemized deduction - standard deduction 금액만큼 추가

                                        2) 작년 standard deduction 추가할 금액 없음


                        - no taxable/no deductible after 2018, * child support/property settlement nontaxable

                        - cash or payment of bills on behalf of the ex-spouse

                   Business income, Rental income, Farm income, unemployment compensation, Stock options

                   Price and winning > taxable

(*exception: the winner is selected for the award without entering into a contest (no action on the individual's part)

                     + the award directly to a governmental unit or charitable organization> nontaxable)

Line 9. Total Income

Line10. Adjustment to income Sch1: AGI 계산전에 특별히 빼주는항목, Above the line deduction, 10 items 


* Scholarship and fellowship not taxable: degree candidate + must use for tuition/books/supplies + not RA or TA pay
* Reimbursement from personal injury, not taxable


Line 11. Adjusted gross income(AGI) 
Line 12. SD or Sch A, 6 items  
Line 13. OBID(20% or ordinary income (partnership, scorp, llc, sch E/C) 
Line 15. Taxable income 
