manii 2024. 4. 14. 00:23

1. Tax credits reduce taxpayer's tax liability, classified into two categories: refundable/ non-refundable tax credits

Nonrefundable tax credits Child and dependent care credit, Elderly and permanently disabled credit, Lifetime learning credit, American opportunity credit(60% nonrefundable), Retirement savings contribution credit, foreign tax credit, General business credit, Adoption credit
Refundable tax credits Earned Income Credit(EIC), Child Tax Credit(70%), Amerian opportunity credit(40%)



2. Foreign tax credit

 - Foreign tax paid either 1) deducted(sch A) without limitation or 2) claimed as a credit

 - Limitation: lessor of foreign taxes paid or Foreign source income / WW income * US tax

 - unused credits due to limitation / due to non-refundable credit limitation> carried back 1yr, carried over 10yrs

* 미국보다 tax rate이 높으면, 미국국세청에서 받을 금액이 작아진다. 따라서 limitation 적용한다.

* US tax on WWI (US income tax before foreign credit) 



3. Child and dependent Care credit

1) Qualified Expense

    - rate: 20% to 35%(decrease by 1% for each $2K of AGI over $15K, but not reduce below 20%)

    - Both spouses, gainfully employed or looking for work

    - married, must MFJ

    - households (live more than 50%)

    - Qualifying individuals: dependent under 13 / spouse incapable of self-care

    - non-qualifying expenses(elementary school, payments to dependent relative)

2) Maximum amount of expenses

    - least of  ① Actual expenses / ② 3K per child / 6K for two or more ③ Lessor of either spouse's income

    - Spouse, student/ incapable of self-care > earned $250/M for one, $500/M for more than two

    - Daycare center, babysitter(mother, dependent가 아니라면 가능함)

3) AGI over $438K > Credit 0%

4) example



4. Education Credits

1) American Opportunity Tax Credit (AOTC)

    - $2,500 per each eligible student(40% refundable credit)

    - first 4yrs of post-secondary education

    - phased out for MFJ with AGI bet 160K-180K 

    - not available for students convicted of a felony drug offense in the calendar year for which expenses are incurred

    - for the first 4 years of the postsecondary education program

    - 100% of the first $2K and 25% of the next $2K of tuition and related expenses



2)  Lifetime Learning Credit (LLC)

   - up to $2K(20% of first 10K) per return

   - Qualified tuition and related expenses(but not course materials), unlimited number of years

   - phase out for MFJ with AGI bet 160K-180K

   - first 10K of tuition and related expenses

  Opportunity credit Lifetime learning credit
Eligibility First 4years Unlimited
Tax credit $2,500 per student $2,000 per student
Phase-out for MFJ 160K -180K 160K -180K


3) Coverdell education savings account

  - contributions non-deductible (Max $2K annually), earnings&distribution not taxable(if used for qualified exp)

    * distribution directly to the beneficiary> taxable + 10% penalty

    *  rolled over tax-free to another family member with no penalty

  - beneficiary may be any child under the age of 18

  - no limit to the number of beneficiaries

  - Phase-out range: (married) 190K-220K

  - any amounts remaining, when the beneficiary reaches 30 must be distributed


4) Section 529 plan(qualified tuition plans)

  - Purchase tuition credits /cash contributions for the beneficiary for payment of qualified higher education expenses.

  - the program must be established and maintained by a state/ state agency, eligible education institution

Item General Rule Limit Income phase-out
Income Exclusion
US savings bond series EE exclude int income Must pay educational exp

AGI $91,850-$106,850
(MFJ $137,800-167,800)
ER-paid education exp exclude from income Up to $5250 per year
No income limit
Scholarships exclude from income Only tuition, books, fees, not room and board No income limit
Educator expenses Deduct as above-the-line adjustment $300 No income limit
Coverdell education savings account Nondeductible $2,000 AGI $95K-110K
(MFJ 190K-220)
Student loan int deduction Deduct as above-the-line adjustment $2,500 AGI $75K-90K
(MFJ 155K-185)
American Opportunity Tax credit First four years: partially refundable $2,500 per person
tuition, fees, course materials
AGI $80K-$90K
(MFJ $160K-180K)
Lifetime learning credit After first four years: nonrefundable $2,000 per taxpayer
tuition, fees, course materials
AGI $80K-$90K
(MFJ $160K-180K)
529 plan
(qualified tuition program)
No deduction
No income
Vary by state None




5. Retirement savings contributions credit(low/moderate income taxpayers)

  - Tax credit of up to $2K for MFJ($1K for one) for contributions made to IRAs/ most retirement plans

Credit rate Single MFJ Max Credit
50% $0-$21,750 $0-$43,500 $2K*50%=1000
20% $21,751-$23,750 $43,501-$47,500 $2K*20%=400
10% $21,751-$36,500 $43,501-$73,000 $2K*10%=200
0% over $36,500 over $73,000 $2K*0%=0

  - at least 18 years old, not a full-time student, not dependent of another taxpayer

  - no carryover is allowed


6. Child tax credit(아이가 있으면 해줌)

  - $2K(70% refundable credit) per qualifying child under 17

  - reduced by $50 for each 1K AGI more than 400K MFJ

  - refundable amount:  lesser of

     tax credit over liability / earned income over $2500*15% / $1600 per child


7. Credit for other Dependents

  - family tax credit is $500 per dependent other than a qualifying child

  - may include children aged 17 and above



8. Credit for the Elderly and the disabled

  - Taxpayer who is 65 or older

  - taxpayer who is disabled

  - Single: {5K - (AGI - 7.5K)*50%- tax-exempt income}*15%

  - MFJ: {7.5K - (AGI -10K)*50% - tax-exempt income}*15%



9. Credit for Adoption Expenses

  - adoption expenses credit, up to $15,950

  - A child under 18 who is incapable of self-care

  - not available: adopting the child of a spouse/ surrogate parenting arrangement

  - non-refundable credit up to $14,400 of qualifying adoption, when adoption becomes final

  - phase-out AGI bet 239,230 and 279,230

  - Excess credit CF 5yrs



10. General business credit

  - GBC comprised various credits(investment credit, work opportunity tax credit,alternative fuels credit, increased research credit, low-income housing credit, Qualified child care expenditures, welfare-to-work credit, employer-provided child care credit, small employer retirement plan start-up costs credit, alternative motor vehicle credit)

  - nonrefundable credits

  - CB 1y, CO 20yrs

  - limitation: tax over 25K * 25%

 - credit is available for the first 3yrs of the plan 

1) Work opportunity credit: available to ER, hire EE from the targeted group

    credit: 40% of the first 6K of first year's wages, 40% of the first 3K of certain summer youth

    Qualified groups: disabled, 18 to 24-year-olds from poor families, Vietnam veterans from economically disadvantaged areas, food stamp recipients

2) Small employer retirement plan start-up costs credit

  -  no more than 100 EEs, received at least $5K in the preceding year

     + at least one plan participant is a non-highly compensated EE

  - ordinary and necessary costs to set up and administer the plan + EE education

  - either deduct or credit for those costs

  - credit is the greater of

100%, first $1K of start-up cost for ER with 50 or fewer EEs lesser of $250 for each EE who is eligible for the plan 
           or $5000


3) Small business health care tax credit

  - credit of up to 50% of the employer's cost of the plan premiums > credit for ER

    when ER contributes at least 50% of the cost of the health coverage on behalf of EE, health plan through SHOP(small business health options program)

  - credit is not refundable, unused amount carried back 1yr, carry over 20yrs

  - cost for family members, owners with greater than 2%, and shareholders owning more than 5% are excluded

4) Nonrefundable tax credit

  - Energy-efficient home improvement credit

  - Residential clean Energy Credit

  - Clean Vehicle credit

  - Alternative Fuel Refueling Property Credit


11. Earned Income Credit(refundable credit)

  - individuals with investment income over $11K cannot claim the credit

  - refundable tax credit for low-income workers with a child under 19 / full-time students under 24 / disabled

  - Must file MFJ

  - Based on 12M income

  - disqualified income X

  - Qualifying child is not a requirement to be eligible for the EIC, but EI level is higher


