[REG] Transactions in Property
Inventory | Sch1, Sch C, Sch F |
Investment | 7. CG/L |
Biz property | Sch1 other G/L |
1. Tax considerations in property transactions
Amount realized(selling price)? Cash / FMV property received / Liability assumed
Basis of property sold or exchanged?
Type of property has been sold or exchanged? Personal / Investment / Business
Character of the gain or loss?
Holding period of the property begin? Fresh holding period / Tacked-on holding period
2. Basis and holding period of property
1) Basis of property purchased
Cash paid
(+) Debt incurred
(+) Related expenses
* Holding period begins on date of purchase(Fresh holding period)
2) Basis of property received from Donor
* Gifted property basis for depreciation > Use the lesser of the B, FMV for depreciation basis
Case1: Gift of property incline in value (B<FMV, General rule)
Donee's Basis = Donor's Basis
(Transfer Basis)
SP 80K
B <50K> holding period, tracked on the transfer holding period
Case2: Gift of property decline in value (B>FMV, exception)
Gain (B<SP) |
Donee's basis = Donor's basis | Donor's holding period | Donee sold the stock for $103K on 7/15/2019 SP 103K B <100K> CG 3K |
Loss (SP<FMV) |
Donee's basis = FMV of gift | HP: date of the gift | Donee sold the stock for $28K on 7/15/2019 SP 28K B <30K> CL<2K> |
No G/L (FMV) |
FMV < SP < Donor's basis Donee's Basis = SP M --------> D FMV 100K FMV 30K 5yrs 100K Donor's B SP 30K FMV |
No G/L, No HP | Donee sold the stock for $50K on 7/15/2019 SP 50K B <50K> 0 |
3) Basis of property received by inheritance
* Inherited property is considered LT property
- Decendent -> Estate of Decedent
Cash+FMV Estate tax (40%) on Cash+ FMV of property
- Alternate valuation date, 6M after the date of death
FMV on AVD < FMV on DOD, can be elected
a) AVD not elected, Heir/Beneficiary's basis in inhered property = FMV of Date of Death
SP 16M
B <15M>
G 1M
b) AVD elected, heir/B's basis = earlier of FMV of AVD or FMV of distributed
- Income in respect of decedent(IRD)
cash basis, decedent
income earned, not collected
not included in descendants F1040
recipient of IRD income reports, as the same type of income, in the year of collection
4) Basis of stock dividend/right received
Taxable stock dividend | Basis for income reported | Basis, FMV on date of distribution, HP distribution date |
Nontaxable stock dividend | CS dividend on CS SH | Original B allocated based on FMV on the date of distribution HP original date |
Nontaxable stock Basis allocation
SH | AMT | Basis | ||
CS | 100 | 12K | 9K | 12K * 15K/(15K+5K) = 9K |
PS | 10 | 0 | 3K | 12K * 5K/ (15K+5K) = 3K |
5) Property converted from Personal to business use
same as gifted property, the basis for depreciation is the lessor of the original cost basis / FMV
3. Gain or Loss in a taxable transaction
Money received
+ FMV of property received
+ Liability discharged
Amount realized
- Money paid
- AB of property given up
- Liability assumed
Gain or loss realized and recognized
4. Gain or loss in a nontaxable transaction
( Like-kind exchange, Involuntary conversion, Sale of primary residence)
Like-kind exchange (sec 1031)
1) no gain or loss is recognized on the exchange of real property
- Real property(residential and non-residential real property, land) located in US, in investment or used in business
* Personal use, inventory, and foreign real property not included
2) Boot received, realized gain > min(gain realized, boot received)
3) Like-kind exchange, Formula
FMV of real property received
+ Boot received (Money received, FMV of not like-kind property, Liability relieved)
Amount realized
- Basis of real property given up
- Boot paid (Money, Basis of not like-kind property, Liability assumed)
Gain realized
Gain recognized, min(gain realized, boot received)
* Any gain realized but not recognized is a deferred gain
4) Basis of like-kind property received
Basis of property given up FMV like-kind property received
+ Gain recognized - Gain not recognized(deferred)
+ Boot paid or Basis of like-kind property received
- Boot received
Basis of like-kind property received
5) non-like-kind given, G/L is recognized, FMV- Basis
6) Replacement requirement
non-taxable transaction, like-kind property > must be replaced within 180 days, not later than the tax return due date
Involuntary conversion (sec 1033)
1) Cash or other property is received (from Gov, the insurance co), personal/real property destroyed or condemned
2) Cash/property received > Basis of property given up
Gain not recognized > Similar property purchased within the replacement period |
Gain recognized > Any of reward not reinvested |
3) Cash property received < AB of property
Loss is recognized
* property held for personal use
4) Replacement requirement
personal property | replacement made within 2yrs(last day of taxable Y, gain is first realized) |
real property | replacement made within 3yrs(last day of taxable Y, gain is first realized) |
Real property AB 20K, condemned by county, Cash 24K
reinvested 21K, Gain? Basis for new?
Gain FMV 21K Boot 3K amount real 24K Basis <20K> Gain realized 4K Gain recognized 3K |
Basis for new B of property given up 20K Gain recognized 3K Boot received < 3K> Basis in replaced property 20K |
Sale or exchange of principal residence(sec121)
1) Up to 500,000 of gain for MFJ(single 250,000) excluded from sale of principal residence
2) Requirements
Principal residence > must be owned+occupied for 2/5yrs
* occupancy period not met, due to the following change of > Amount of exclusion pro-rated
employment, health, unforeseen circumstance(involuntary conversion,natural disaster)
* Loss from sales of residence, not deductible as a personal loss
5. Sales and exchange of securities
1) Exchange of stock of the same corporation
Nontaxable exchange - CS for CS - PS for PS |
Taxable exchange - CS for PS - PS for CS |
* Securities sold cannot be identified, fifo is used to determine the basis
2) Wash sale: 12월말에 판매해서 연말소득을 줄이는 걸 막기위해
- When stock or securities are sold for loss + repurchased within 30days before/after the sales
- Loss, not deductible, added to AB of new stock/securities purchased
- Not apply to dealers in stock and securities
- HP: include HP of old stock
6. Losses from related party transaction
1) Related party
- Family: 0촌: spouse 1촌 Parent(grand), child, 2촌: brothers/sisters
- corporation more than 50% SH
- Parent + subsidiary corp
- same person owns more than 50%
- constructive stock ownership
2) Loss is not deductible, deducted up to gain recog (unrelated party)
3) corp and controlling party
- Corp. < controlling SH가 서비스를 제공한 거래: SH가 수익을 인식한 시점에 Corp는 비용을 deduct할 수있다.
- Corp > controlling SH에게 property를 distribution한 경우: gain이면 차액을 인식, loss는 인식할 수 없다.
7. Capital gains/losses
1) Capital Assets
Capital Assets | Not Capital Assets |
- investment property - property held for personal use - intangibles(goodwill) |
- stocks in trade, inventory - amount received for an agreement not to compete - AR or NR arising from business activities - Personal/ real property used in a trade or business (depreciable property |
2) Holding period
Short term, HP <1yrs | Long term, HP >1yrs |
3) Tax rates for capital gain for individuals
LTCG, individual, 15% * taxpayer 10%~12%, no tax on LTCG * taxpayer 35%~37%, 20% |
STCG, individual, 37% |
4) Capital loss(sch D)
netting of capital gains and losses --> net capital loss
Individual - Capital losses, only be deducted against capital gains - Net capital loss, deducted up to $3K - Excess capital losses, carried over indefinitely - Capital loss carryovers retain same id as ST/LT |
Corporations - Capital losses, only de ducted again capital gains - Net capital loss, not deductible - Excess capital loss, carry back3yrs, carried over 5yrs - capital loss carrybacks/ carryovers are treated as ST |
* loss from sale of personal use property, not deductible personal loss
deductible 3K
CL c/o 1K
5) Worthless stock and securities > capital loss to the individual taxpayer, as if sold at YE
6) Losses on deposits in insolvent financial institutions > STCL, regardless of the length of deposit
8. Gains and losses on business property
Biz property
HP<1 | Gain |
ordinary income(max 37%) |
Loss | ordinary loss(max 37%) | |||
HP>1 sec 1231 property Biz use + 1yrs |
Gain | Personal property (sec 1245 recapture) |
SP = Cost(ordinary) + remaining(LTCG) 1) 1245 recapture: ordinary income, cost, extent of prior depreciation 2) 1231 G: LTCG |
Real property (sec 291 recapture) |
Individual 1231 G: LTCG |
Corporation 1) 291 recapture, ordinary income, SL depre 20% 2) remaining 1231 G, LTCG |
Loss | Sec 1231 loss, ordinary loss * sec 1231 losses offset sec 1231 gain |
* Personal property, Sec 1245 recapture
Prior Y depreciation + Ordinary income recapture
* Real property, Sec 291 recapture
* Sec 1231 recapture
LTCG > extent of unrecaptured loss for the last 5yrs: ordinary gain
9. Installment sales
spread the gain over the collection period using the gross profit ratio
Gross profit ratio = Gross profit / Contract price
* sec 1245 not available for installment reporting, must be recognized in the Y of sale
* cannot be used for property held for sale in the ordinary course of business/ sale of stock or securities
Capital Asset | ||||
Gain | investment CG | Personal Use CG | ||
Loss | Investment CL | Personal Use non-deductible | ||
Business property | ||||
HP<=1 | Gain | Ordinary income | ||
Loss | Ordinary loss | |||
HP>1 (sec1231 property) |
Gain | Personal property | SP>Cost sec 1245+sec1231 (ordinary G + LTCG) |
SP<Cost sec 1245(ordinary G) |
Real property | Individual sec 1231 (LTCG) |
Corporation Sec291+Sec1231 (ordinary G + LTCG) |
Loss | sec 1231 loss(ordinary) |
10. Purchasing property for a business
Improvements(capitalize) | Repairs and maintenance | Materials and supplies 200 or less |
Deminis safe harbor rule
- with AFS deduct up to 5000 per item
- without AFS deduct up to 2500 per item
Property converted from personal to biz use
Tax basis for depreciation lessor of NBV or FMV |
Tax basis for G/L if the property is sold First, the lessor of adj basis: original cost basis - depre or FMV Second, reduce the lessor amount by any depreciation deductions taken after the conversion to biz |
Organizaiton cost: legal, accounting filing meetings (* not stock issuing)
first 5K
Startup cost
first 5K
cost not expensed capitalized as intangible and amort over 15yrs