회계 세무 공부/AICPA 공부 요약

[REG] Filling status, Dependency Definitions

manii 2024. 3. 23. 21:36

Filling status (Year End Test)




Married Joint Returns


Married Filing Separately


Qualifying Widow (surviving spouse) with dependent child

 - +2years after spouse died(MFJ in the year of death)

 - Dependent Child

 - Principal residence for a dependent child for the whole year

 - more than 1/2 of expenses


Head of household

 - Single (unmarried, lived apart from their spouse for the last 6 months of the year)

 - Principal residence, that lived more than 1/2 of Y

 - dependent child(step, foster,siblings)/ parent(not live together), qualifying relative(must live together)

    * cousins, foster parents, and unrelated dependents do not qualify




Dependency Definitions


- must have a social security number for any dependent

- born/died during the year > include

Qualifying Child Qualifying Relative
C close relative
 -child, siblings, descendent of these
- a foster child with certain conditions
S support test
 - more than 10%
A age limit
  -19 / 24(full time student 5M/Y)
  - permanently disabled
U under a specific amount of gross income test
 - 4,700(2023)
 - nontaxable income
  (social security, tax-exempt int income/scholarship)
R residency and filing requirements
 - lived more than 1/2 Y
* children of divorced parents, dependent on custody for the greater part of the year, whether or not that parent provided more than half of the child's support
P preclude dependent filing a joint tax return test
 - children(/grand/step/foster),parents(/grant/step), siblings, aunts, uncles
E eliminate gross income test O only citizens(US/ Canada, Mexico) test
S support test
  - more than 1/2 spent 
* student scholarship doesn't count
R Relative test
*a non-relative can be a "qualifying relative"
if lives with the taxpayer for the whole year, but not the GF or BF
    T Taxpayer lives with individual for whole year test

* For children of divorced parents the child is a dependent of the parent who has custody of the child for the greater part of the year, whether or not that parent provided more than half of the child's support
