회계 세무 공부/AICPA 공부 요약

[AUD] Risk assessment, TOC, Evidence, Final stage

manii 2024. 3. 18. 18:48

Risk Assessment, Planning
Risk assessment to obtain an understanding of the client and its environment
Risks of material misstatement(IRxCR) are assessed > determine the Nature, Extent, Timing of additional audit procedure


Inherent Risk

Accounting is a complex, difficult > IR up

Nonroutine transaction(ex. high-value transaction: buy building) > IR up

New business risk > affects the risk of MM at FS level(various levels)


An overall response to address a high-assessed risk of material misstatement

> Assign more experienced, specialized skilled staff(more staff no help)

> Supervision of the audit team

> YE than interim



Analytical procedure

 (a) enhancing understanding of the client's business/transactions since the last audit date

 (b) identifying areas that may represent specific risks relevant to the audit




Control Risk

Understanding Internal Control: Design, Implementation


Risk assessment Procedure(CR)▼

- not dollar

Design effectiveness (understanding IC)
observation, inspection, inquiry
>walkthrough(all at once)
sampling not proper

*testing segregation of duty

documentation not effective> inquiry/ observation


Test Of Control
Operating effectiveness (TOC)
observation, inspection, inquiry,
Reperformance(normally completed during the process)

*Tests of the operating effectiveness of controls may be required if any one of the following exist:
1) Risk assessment includes an explanation of the operating effectiveness of controls over compliance
2) Substantive procedures, not enough to support a conclusion
3) required by the applicable Governmental Audit


Not to TOC > CR at MAX 

- TOC would not support a decreased level of CR

- Perform TOC inefficient > results in a reduction in planned ST 


Evidence, ST

info must contain sufficient detail for the purpose of audit test

info provided should be in complete form and deemed reliable by the auditor

info received must be accurate


1. Sufficient & Appropriate Evidence


1) Sufficient (Quantity of evidence)

  use professional judgment, consider materiality, audit risk, risk of MM

  inverse relationship bet appropriate evidence

  Persuasive rather than convincing


2) Appropriate (Quality of evidence)


  pertain to Audit objective 

  timing of audit procedure



  Auditor, External, Internal, Oral

  * Strong, effective controls improve the reliability of data


2. Underlying accounting data vs. Corroborating evidence

Underlying accounting data(FS가 작성될때까지의 모든 Data) Corroborating evidence
- Books of original JE
- GL, SL, TB
- Related accounting manual
- Worksheets
- Reconciliation
- Sales invoices
- contracts
- Confirmations
- Written representations
- information gathered through inquiry
- Board minutes


minimal activity during the year > TOD Transaction test

Accounts that are predictable > Analytical procedures (not required ST by SEC)

Independently created the aging of certain accounts > Reperformance



Final stage


Analytical procedures,

> comparison of recorded amounts to auditor expectations

> Reading the financial statements, any unusual or unexpected balances that were not previously identified

Considering the adequacy of the evidence gathered in response to unexpected balances identified in planning

whether the results of any of the audit procedures affect the assessment of the risk of material misstatement due to fraud


* Auditor may add/ amend/ change before the end of the retention period, but not delete the audit documentation.

