회계 세무 공부/AICPA 공부 요약

[AUD] Business cycles, Economic indicators

manii 2024. 3. 17. 13:14
Business cycles

From Becker Aud image

Expansionary Phase

- rising profits, strong growth, increase demand, rising price

- lower unemployment



- high point of economic activity

- input shortage lead to higher costs and higer price level


Contractionary Phase

- higher unemployment



- profits at lowest elvel

- firms have excess capacity, reduce cost and their workforces


Recovery Phase

- recovering economc activity

- rising demad, profit stabilization

- increase in employment


* Recession

  : increase allowance for doubful accounts


Economic indicators


Leading indicator

Before economy activity starts, prediction

- Average weekly undemployment insurance intial claims

- Budiling permits for new private residences

- New manufacturer orders for consumer goods and materials

- Producer Price Index


Coincident indicator

- Manufacturing and trade sales

- industrial production(GDP)


Lagging indicator

result of economic activity

- Average prime rate charged by banks

- Average duration of unemployment

- Consumer price index(CPI) for service
