회계 세무 공부/AICPA 공부 요약

[AUD] Other audit report issues

manii 2024. 3. 7. 12:19

Audit of group FS

group engagement team should obtain understanding of component auditor's

discuess, review, perform additonal auditing procedures if necessary

competence, independent

> assume rep, not refer audit


Report FS using framework generally accepted in another country

auditor should understand, written rep regarding purpose and used of FS

1) used outside the US

  modified US report or standard report of the other country


2) to be used in US

US standard report + EM(departure from gaap


Reports on the application of accounting principles

request from a prospective lient for a written / oral report on the accounting treatment

no hypothetical transaction


obtain understanding of form and substance of the transction

consult with the companu's current auditors


resp for accounting treatment rests with preprers

difference in fact might change report

use restriction


Letters for underwriters(comfort letter)

period not covered by an accounts report, addressed to the underwriter

not required by the act and not considered to be part of the registration

ⓐ positive assurance: independence + audited FS complied w SEC requirement 

ⓑ Negative assurance on unaudited info (interm, pro forma, subsequent changes..)

ⓒ use restriction

