[AUD] SSARS ( preparation compilation review interim audit )
info in the form of FS that is the representation of mgt
SSARS > accounting & review service committee
* GAAP > FASB / single audit > GAO
1. Preparation
Preparation | Not preparation |
Preparing a working trial balance Preparing standard monthly journal entries |
reproducing client-prepared FS, without modification Drafting Notes for the client(not SSARS) |
Engagement letter ( no rep letter) > mgt resp: accuracy, completeness
No Report
"no assurance is provided" on each page of FS
if not > 1) issue disclaimer, 2) compilation engagement, 3) withdraw
include a description of FR framework(preparation은 auditor가 해줌)
> face of FS/ note
2. Compilation
to assist mgt in presenting financial info in the form of FS
Engagement letter
the effect that independence impairments, if present, will have on the expected form of the accountant's report
mgt reps FS
understand client's accounting principles, business transaction
Mgt resp FS, GAAP + FS "see accountant's compilation report"
Auditor resp SSARS, AICPA
audit x, review x, accuracy x, completeness x
opinion x, conclusion x, any assurance x
manual signature x
report to appropriate level of mgt(written not required)
근데 auditor document에는 내용이 다 적혀있어야함
- no assurance engagement does not require the accountant to verify the accuracy of FS
> cannot be relied upon to disclose error, fraud illegal act
- not require to assess fraud risk
disclose the basis of accounting
mgt resp > note
Auditor resp > modify the report
Wrong GAAP > +E
MM > 맞는건 뭐지?, additional revise info > Mgt 고칠꺼야? > Report departure F GAAP / withdraw
Lack of independence, > + E
can be omitted, if the intent is not to mislead users > + seperate P
include paragraph disclosing such omission
omitted disclosures included, might influence the user's conclusion
limited assurance(negative assurance)
Engagement letter
understand client's accounting principles, business transaction
analytical procedure
rep letter
Should perform in review | Should not |
cash restriction AR cutoff(control) not best Related P T Perform a reasonableness test of the balance by computing days' sales in receivables |
test of accounting record/ mgt's assertion inquries of atterney, contingent liability recalculate-individual account |
Title + FS "see accountant's review report"
AP, inquiry
less in scope than an audit, do not express op
Mgt resp
prepare and fairly presents FS, GAAP
Audit resp
limited assurance, M modification
result of conclusion
independent, ethical
not aware of M modification that should be made
Wrong GAAP > Q /A
communicate to mgt(document), investigate x > mgt consider effects to FS > Q / A (scope limitation withdraw)
MM > 맞는건 뭐지?, additional info, but no investigation > Mgt 고칠꺼야? > Q /A
scope limit > withdraw
disclose the basis of accounting
mgt resp > note
Auditor resp > modify the report
Going concern > + E
Lack of independence > withdraw
Continuing accountant
C R R C |
Reissue(보고서2개), EM, Combined |
A R A C |
Reissue(보고서2개), EM |
R A C A |
Reissue(보고서2개), OM |
Interim Audit
objective: Whether material modification should be made to confirm w GAAP
+ Understand IC / not perform (inquiry)
+ Update accountant's knowledge: consider results of PY + audit procedure performed w CYFR
+ Understand with client > learning / Obtain understand entity & environment > inquiry > analytical procedure
IC with material weakness: accountant identify the types of material misstatements
Identified risks of material misstatement due to fraud help the accountant to identify the types of material misstatements that may occur in the interim financial information, and to consider the likelihood of their occurrence
The nature of corrected misstatements should be considered, as they may be indicative of an ongoing problem. Uncorrected misstatements must also be considered as misstatements in one period often affect subsequent periods.
registration statement, prospectus
> not part of a registration statement with Securities Act of 1933