회계 세무 공부/AICPA 공부 요약

[AUD] Attestation Standards, SSAE

manii 2024. 2. 26. 22:07

0. General

assertion: whether the subjective matter is based on or conformity with the criteria selected

- included in a rep letter

- written assertion not obtained > report restricted

- accountant o, auditor x


subject matter(party' resp)

1. historical FS (interim/annual)

2. ICFR (full / part)

3. prospection

4. proforma

5. MD & A

6. Compliance

7. Web trust


Criteria: standards used to evaluate subject matter

- suitable

- available


Types of attestation engagement

Examination: positive assurance, opinion

Review: negative/limited assurance, conclusion

Agreed-upon procedure: no assurance, finding

 - procedures performed as described

 - use of the report is limited



1) criteria suitable for limited number of party

2) criteria are available to specified parties

3) written assertion not provided by the resp party

4) agreed-upon engagements

5) MD&A review report

6) SOC1, SOC2 report

7) Examination of projection



1. Agreed-upon procedures engagements

practitioner performs specific procedures on the subject matter and reports the findings

1) the engaging party agrees, acknowledges the procedures, appropriate for the intended purpose of the engagement

2) A separate paragraph, restricts the use

3) CPA independent

4) CPA performs procedures,

report description of the procedures performed, related findings( adequate knowledge of the subject matter )

and * materiality thresholds(if agreed by client materiality level as part of the engagement )



describe restriction in a report or withdraw

additional engaging p may be added after completion of the engagement

Independent Account's report

we have performed the procedure~(id subject matter)
B has agreed to and acknowledged that procedures performed
may not be suitable for any other purpose

The procedures and associated findings are as follows

engaged by B to perform agreed-upon(여기서 이 표현 처음나옴)
attestation standards, aicpa
not examination/review
accordingly, not express opinion/ conclusion

independent, ethical resp

     * no materiality, unless materiality level is agreed as part of the engagement with the client 


2. Prospective Financial Statements

examination, agreed-upon (review x), compilation(rep letter) 

significant reservation


Forecast 예보

general use/ limited use


Projection 가정 > 추정값

hypothetical assumptions

limited use only



FS, background info, Assumptions



Q,A > Departure f aicpa

A > unreasonable assumptions

D > scope limitation

Independent Accountant's Report

we examined ...guidelines for AICPA
mgt resp preparing, presenting  accordance w AICPA

accordance w aicpa
reasonable assurance forecast is presented in accordance w
obtain evidence
NTE assessment of risk of MM
sufficient appropriate
in our opinion ~is presented, in accordance w guidelines aicpa, suitably supported and provide a reasonable basis

significant reservation


Compilation (SSARS)

assumptions> rep letter(must)

independent not required

Accountant's report

standards established by aicpa

no evaluation for assumptions
no opinion
significant reservation


3. Pro forma financial information

adjust earlier historical financial info

- examination, review, compilation

- must include complete, original FS(audited/ reviewed)



1. id of pro forma adjustments info

2. refer to FS from which info derived

3. objective and its limitations

Examination report

We have examined~
historical pro forma condensed FS are derived from~

objective of~ 
not necessarily indicative of~
opinion assumption reasonable basis
adjustments appropriate effect, pro forma column reflects


4. MD&A

- examination, review(not SEC requirement)


1) any info that came to the practitioner's attention (negative assurance)

   - SEC required elements

   - amount derived from FS

   - underlying info(estimates, assumptions) reasonable basis for MD&A disclosure

2) consider IC (but not TOC)

3) presented in interim and annual reports(public company)

4) review report use restriction



1) express an opinion on(positive assurance)

   - SEC required elements

   - amount derived from FS

   - underlying info(estimates, assumptions) reasonable basis for MD&A disclosure

2) TOC

3) with audited FS

4) assertion

   occurrence, completeness, consistency w FS, Prensentation&Disclosure (* 오답 R&O, V)


5. Compliance Attestation

- examination, agreed-upon(x review)


6. Service organization control(SOC) report


type 1: design of controls, cannot reduce control risk, disclaimer op on operating effectiveness

type 2: design and operating effectiveness of controls, may reduce control risk

intended solely for service org mgt, service org customer, customer's auditor 


