회계 세무 공부/AICPA 공부 요약

[AUD] Communication with those charged with governance

manii 2024. 2. 23. 22:34

1. IC related matter > to mgt. BOD

- in writing

- not required to find deficiency

- no more than 60 days, an audit report released date

  Likelihood Magnitude  
Control Deficiency not included Any oral/written > mgt(NP only)
Significant Deficiency More than remote =
reasonably possible
More than consequential written > mgt/bod
Material Weakness Material written > mgt/bod

* IC 하면서 발견되기도 함. IC 할 의무는 없음


- Letter

title: independent practitioner's report

1) FS위해, IC에 의견주는거 아님

2) not all deficiencies in IC

3) CD


    ided + explanation


4) Restricted Use




2. Non IC related > to bod, audit committee

- Oral/Writing

- restricted use in Writing

- matters to be communicated


1) Auditor's resp GAAS

  - form opinion

  - mgt/bod의 resp 놓지않음

2) Planned scope & timing of audit

3) Significant findings from an audit

  a. Qualitative aspect-reasonableness of Estimate

  b. Significant difficulties during the audit

  c. Uncorrected/Corrected material misstatement

  d. Fraud

  e. Consultation with other auditor

  f. Disagreement with mgt(solved or not)

  g. Auditor independence issue 
